A Westchester County Legislator was caught with cocaine while he sat in a car in Queensbury. He was apparently headed with a friend to Killington, Vermont for the weekend. They stopped at a gas station, but not only to get gas, but to get gassed. I guess there’s nothing like a snort of cocaine to start the weekend. It used to be that a road trip included just some drinks, now it includes getting high on illegal drugs.
The story is here, here, and here.
Someone spotted the honorable elected official getting high and called the police. The cops found cocaine in the car. The Westchester County legislator was arrested and charged with seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance, which is only a misdemeanor. Just before he was arrested the man cried that he could lose his job. Well, he should have thought of that before he took the cocaine and snorted it up his nose. He should have thought about his job, the people who voted for him, and especially his family.
He said he has no plans to resign. Presumably he believes that its okay for politicians to break laws, as long as it doesn't effect their judgment. Wait, what kind of judgment did he demonstrate here? I guess his belief is that no one cares. He claimed it was an isolated incident, an aberration. But how does it come to be that two supposedly responsible men just pull up in a gas station and commence using cocaine? Is this really a first time for him. We will have to let his constituents decide.
Coke, Dust, Toot, Snow, Blow, Sneeze, Powder, Lines, Rock, Crack. These are all slang for various forms of the drug cocaine. The use of cocaine causes a short-lived high that is immediately followed by opposite, intense feelings of depression, edginess, and a craving for more of the drug. Cocaine is snorted as a powder, converted to a liquid form for injection with a needle, or processed into a crystal form to be smoked.
Cocaine is a highly addictive substance. Cocaine affects normal brain function by interfering with the manner in which one’s brain processes chemicals that create feelings of pleasure. The result is that a cocaine user often needs more of the drug just to feel normal. Cocaine is relatively expensive, and regular users can spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars on cocaine each week. As the addiction becomes strong some users will do anything to support their habit, even resorting to crime to obtain money. The impaired judgment caused by cocaine use may also lead to a host of other problems. People who become addicted to cocaine may lose interest in other areas of their life, such as work and friends.
This elected official is a Republican. So it just goes to show that illegal substances don’t discriminate and love to be abused by politicians of any party.
At any rate, lets hope he learned a lesson and seeks help.
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