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Friday, December 28, 2012

Ohio Politician Arrested

We are not too sure where Hanging Rock, Ohio is located.  But the Mayor of that town was arrested for either operating a vehicle while intoxicated, or for physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.  We're not too sure of that, either.  The story is here.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Senators Are Not High and Mighty - Just DUI


Many people drink during the holidays, and as a result, many people are cited for drunk driving.  The people who earn our trust and votes, and who are thereby elected to public office unfortunately are no exception.   Though they may think they are high and mighty, it turns out they just have too much to drink every now and then.

At least that may have been the case with Senator Michael D. Crapo, a Republican from Idaho.  His party affiliation is identified here, though we caution you that no political party has the monopoly on substance abuse and addiction.  Alcohol tempts and seduces rich and poor, leaders and followers, bosses and workers, and Democrats and Republicans.  This time our post is about a Republican, but next time it is just as likely to be a drunk Democrat.  This is no political rant, folks. 

Senator Crapo was arrested in the wee hours of December 23rd for suspicion of drunk driving.  The story is here.   It is reported that his blood alcohol level was 0.11 percent - well over the 0.08 percent limit of Virginia where he was arrested.  If your blood alcohol level is 0.11, you may experience mood swings, feel angry or sad, have impaired reaction times, decreased motor control, stagger and speak with slurred speach.  We don't know how much the good Senator weighs, but to get a BAC of 0.11, a 200 lb. person would have to throw back around five drinks, at least according to this BAC chart.   

Senator Crapo is the fifth-ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee.  According to the biography on his website, Senator Crapo graduated from Brigham Young University and received his law degree from Harvard Law School.  After law school he clerked for the Ninth Circuit and became a partner in a law firm.

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Friday, December 21, 2012

Cleveland City Councilman Arrested


Last month a Cleveland City Councilman was arrested for suspicion of drunk driving after he was caught speeding.  Later he entered a plea of not guilty.  There are reports his measured blood alcohol level was only 0.056, which is below the 0.08 legal limit.  The councilman suggested it was just the case of a guy having a drink while watching a football game.  You can catch him speaking about the incident here

An interesting situation developed, which was the recusal of Judge Angela Stokes and the other Cleveland Municipal Court judges.  Since the Cleveland City Council controls the court budget, a conflict of interest exists.  See here.  What now?

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mayor from Scottville, Michigan Arraigned For DUI

The city of Scottville, Michigan is comprised of a small community in Mason County, approximately 8 miles east of Lake Michigan. The population was 1,214 as reported by the 2010 census. Scottville is the home of the Scottville Clown Band which performs at over 60 parades and concerts each year all throughout the Midwest. It sounds like a wonderful place where everyone has nothing but good days.

When the mayor of Scottville, Michigan rolled his pickup truck into a ditch he must have suspected that he was having a bad day. But when his blood alcohol level was reportedly measured above the legal limit, and he faced drunk driving charges, all doubt was probably removed.

The mayor's driving catastrophe occurred on October 18th. His arraignment was this month. He pled not guilty and a pretrial conference was set for January 21st. See here and here for more details.

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Treating Alcoholism

Did you know that about 30% of people with an alcohol problem are able to limit how much they drink or even refrain completely from drinking without professional help?  So says information from Medical News Today, which contains an abundance of useful information about alcohol abuse and addiction.  Books and information online can assist people in this do-it-yourself approach. 

However for people with serious problems, treatment from a qualified counselor may be necessary.  A counselor can help diagnose and treat substance abuse issues as well as any underlying problems ssuch as self-esteem, stress, anxiety, depression or other mental health issues. 

The MNT website is worth checking out for all kinds of useful information. 

Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Political Officer Arrested For DUI - This Time It's A Republican

Last month a former California political party chairman was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving.  It was the former California GOP chairman.  Though we caution you that no party has the monopoly on substance abuse.  The story is here

 A driver tends to stand out while motoring down the freeway at 3:20 in the morning.  When the driver starts weaving, he is sure to attract the attention of the California Highway Patrol,  And that is exactly what happened.  Worse, the driver smelled of alcohol, spoke with blurred speech, and failed a field sobriety test. 

Fortunately the former GOP chairman was not involved in an accident.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports the following:

  • In 2010, 10,228 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (31%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States.

  • Of the 1,210 traffic deaths among children ages 0 to 14 years in 2010, 211 (17%) involved an alcohol-impaired driver.

  • Of the 211 child passengers ages 14 and younger who died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes in 2010, over half (131) were riding in the vehicle with the alcohol-impaired driver.

  • In 2010, over 1.4 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.3 That's one percent of the 112 million self-reported episodes of alcohol-impaired driving among U.S. adults each year.

  • Drugs other than alcohol (e.g., marijuana and cocaine) are involved in about 18% of motor vehicle driver deaths. These other drugs are often used in combination with alcohol.

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    Saturday, October 27, 2012

    Local Florida Politician Has Bad Week

    Photo by Julica da Costa

    The vice mayor of Maitland, Florida, Phil Bonus, had a bad week earlier this month. First it was announced that his name appeared on the client list of a suspected brothel. Then the local news media got hold of a police video showing his arrest for drunk driving. The story from WFTV is here.

    The video, from Bonus’ arrest in December, shows him struggling to complete a field sobriety test.

    Alcohol interferes with the brain’s communication pathways. It can affect the way your brain works. These disruptions can change mood and behavior, and make it harder to think clearly and move with coordination.

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    Sunday, September 2, 2012

    Can you be “Almost” An Alcoholic?

    Over at the Huffington Post there is an excellent article by clinical psychologist Joseph Nowinski. Nowinski describes our tendency to categorize drinkers as being either alcoholics or “the rest of us” – that is, non-alcoholics. After all, can a woman be “almost” pregnant? But Nowinksi shows that society’s understanding of drinking behavior is inaccurate.

    You most likely know that alcohol is an addictive substance. Over the course of time, drinking may lead to physical dependence. So the truth about drinking Nowinski writes, is that that drinking behavior may generally fall into four categories. There are non-problem social drinkers; drinkers tending to be almost alcoholic; alcohol abusers; and finally, alcoholics. But Nowinski stresses that there are infinite degrees of differences between each category.

    Being “almost alcoholic” may result in adverse affects, such as poor sleep and the resulting loss of energy and vitality. There are several other effects of which you should be aware. So I definitely recommend that you read Nowinski’s article if you want to get a handle on understanding drinking behavior and the consequences.


    Tuesday, April 10, 2012

    Oklahoma GOP Wants You Piss-Tested

    You probably know that several states are passing laws that require welfare recipients to be tested for drugs. Those states include Utah, Florida, Arizona, and Missouri. The funny thing is that politicians don’t mind ordering citizens without power and means to subject to drug tests, but they exempt themselves. The latest example is in Oklahoma. In the military I was taught leadership by example. That does not seem to exist among our elected representatives.

    The idea behind welfare drug testing is apparently that those on welfare should not be spending taxpayer dollars on illegal drugs. Welfare recipients should be spending state money on essential items like food and housing.

    I have a few questions. Who will do the drug tests? Who will pay for them? Will this also be more taxpayer money spent? Did drug testing companies lobby politicians to get these bills passed? Will this be more government regulations, more government employees to keep track of the testing, to monitor the testing, to watch people pee in a bottle, to inspect the drug testing facilities, etc?

    If you ask me, it seems like many times it is the politicians who act like they are on drugs and need to be piss-tested.

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    Thursday, January 5, 2012

    City Council Member In Alabama Pleads Guilty to Drug Charges

    On December 3rd, police from Tuscaloosa, Alabama went to an apartment in search of a possible witness to a murder. At the apartment they found two men who allowed them inside. Although the police found no witness, they did find crack cocaine and crack pipes in plain view. The two men were arrested. One turned out to be Kip Tyner, the 56-year-old City Council member. The story of the arrest is here and here.

    As part of his plea, Tyner will apparently enter a court-monitored counseling program. Details about the requirements of the program are reported here.

    Crack cocaine is a highly addictive and powerful stimulant that is derived from powdered cocaine. Crack emerged as a drug of abuse in the mid-1980s. It is abused because it produces an immediate high and because it is easy and inexpensive to produce.

    Cocaine, in any form, is powerfully addictive. But addiction develops more quickly when the drug is smoked in crack form as opposed to being snorted – though snorting cocaine is addictive, too.

    Cocaine use causes constricted blood vessels; increased temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure; and risk of cardiac arrest and seizure. Crack users may also experience acute respiratory problems, such as coughing, shortness of breath, and lung trauma and bleeding. Crack cocaine smoking also can cause aggressive and paranoid behavior.

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